
Hello to you!
How do you do?
Hope today is going just your way! ♫  <-- you should hear me sing this, it's an experience! 

The yesterday, today and tomorrow bushes are in flower and if you have ever smelt their wonderfulness you will understand why we have made it our religion to stop and sniffle the one in the garden whenever coming, or leaving, home (Coming home is always best, don't you find?)
I've not run into a Jasmine bush, yet, but the week is young and I am crafty! Let's see what happens! 

I was 1 sick tomato last week! A very bad Rheumatoid Arthritis flare-up absolutely slapped me down and I was MIA from the gym for 4 DAYS in a row which tells you how serious it was! 
I slept, moaned, did work, moaned, ate too much - and then didn't moan cos nice food does soothe the savage beast some!

Saturday I was oodles better and we went out and about with almost unholy glee to make up for the days of being cloistered at home!! 

Oh but outside is so delightfully OUTSIDE when you've been inside a VERY long time!!

Our outside is mostly still in shades of beige. Beige leaves, beige grass and even the air has a curious smell about it that could easily be labeled as 'Ode de Beige'. (I was going to translate that to French and found out that even French folk call it beige! It is a colour without much in the way of aspirations...)
The grass if very cronchy though, a bit like Reiki on bare feet! 

There are some soft things though! This  I-don't-know-what-it's-called-lemme-check-google-lens-quickly, ah yes, this licorice plant, has the softest leaves! Lightly, furry and friendly! (Not like some caterpillars that pretend to be soft and furry and lure innocent Jo's, I mean people, into touching them and then coat your fingers in spines and betrayal!)
Licorice plants are nice.

I tried some English Calligraphy. It didn't come out so so well but at least it proves my inner child is alive and cheerful! 

I did this one I'm rather proud of! I forgot to look up what it means and by the time I'd done it even google translate refused to attempt translating it!
It does look nice though doesn't it?

The process of doing the painting is a somewhat messy one...
I see the calligraphy masters of our time never end up with hands like this? I suspect they are not doing it right...

We went to look at craft books because... well there was a nice display of 2nd hand books and who doesn't look when there's a nice display of 2nd hand books? Exactly!
They had a little something for everyone!
Do you think I should go into sausage making? I could maybe make fish sausages and so manage to offend both meat eaters and vegans alike! I feel such a talent should not be wasted...

Two faces that say they would LOVE me to go into the sausage making industry! They'll happily help clean up any failures... or successes for that matter! This pic taken just before the larger of the 2 came hurtling down towards me, exuding playfulness and hope! Treats were, of course, given! 
Yes, even to her smaller, grumpier brother who mostly just stares at you like he remembers some evil you did him in another life,  and breaks into a volley of barking if you accidentally sneeze. Or move suddenly. Or cough. Or don't do anything. All terribly offensive!
(One day I am going to grab him and cuddle him and lord have mercy on both our souls!)

In other news:
We have found a place that sells fresh fish, while also deboning it and everything! We are now snubbing the pre-packaged sort. 

In all the time I was sick I managed to read almost 2 pages of the book I have. It's like every time I went to read it suddenly there was something else more interesting to do, like play a PC game, or doing work or just falling asleep while still sitting up! It is a Dean Koontz book so I feel that makes everything clearer. 

The heralds of Spring have arrived! 
Lots of annoying Satan's butterflies who can smell you cooking from 8 - 10 miles away (fact, google it), and always come flitting by in hopes of landing on something and grossing you out! (Like when you were a kid and you licked a sweet and were like, "It's mine now!")

I can hear the neighbors yelling, "1 and 2! 1 and 2" I wonder if they've taken up tango?

Bren has shaved his hair and removed about 15 years off his face for doing so! I shave mine once a week but he feels once a month is good enough his side. *Rubs hand over recently harvested head*

I swam for the first time in months today! I did 1.5 hours of paddling (Jo-motion = slow, steady and enthusiastically). It would have been longer but my bladder told me that unless I wanted to add some very unnecessary spice to my swimming, it might be time to get out the water. It was very satisfying! (The swimming that is, though going to the loo after was pretty up there as well!)

That is all the terribly important news for this week!
Have a beautiful week with friendly weather and accessible flowers,
From the couple who wouldn't mind a few droplets of sky water,


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