
Hi hi hi!
How are you? 
This would be,
Blog letter 2!  

Isn't it a fine thing to get another letter to read? Or is it finer that I get to write it?
Symbiosis! ^_^

If Winter be dead, let the scents of mourning flowers linger on! <-- Jo attempts Shakespeare!
Oh the jasmine of Spring though! And roses! And freesias and a thousand other little cheerful-faced flowers who's names I don't know as we haven't been officially introduced (Though they don't smell any less amazing for being anonymous!) 
Now if we could just get a good, hard, drenching of rain, what sight that would be!

I opened my cellphone camera while it was against the towel-covered treadmill screen and this was the result! Enchanting little lights in blue, white and purple and bubbling up and down the screen! This photo can only hint at how fascinating it was! 

But here was my view at about 6.15am this morning! 
The sun was only just getting out of bed and there's just one mermaid in the pool at the moment!
Can you see the scaffolding outside the further away window? The men putting it up made fantastic shadow play against the sunrise! 

This is what's on the screen before I put my towel over it! I get to see a bit of the Olympics each morning! I'm not sure the event, there is no noise, but these guys were swimming in a large river-like place with rather dodgy coloured water! They did an areal shot that made them all look like ants in a waterlogged tea cup, but I couldn't get a photo of that. I hope green cap won, simply because green goes so nicely with the menu at the bottom!  
I don't know who broke the little air vents in the treadmill cover, many are broken like that, it's a tough life being gym equipment! 

Here is the scaffolding mentioned above, now almost an hour later! My hasn't it grown?! I wonder what they're doing that side?
I'm being watched by the treadmill's one beady orange eye! No loitering!!!

As work gets busier so we tend to have more meetings <-- the logic behind this doesn't seem that steady though, MORE work = MORE meetings so when does the MORE work get done? Well at least we can talk about it in MORE meetings!
I have 2 sets of meetings happening at the same time, aren't I popular?

I must leave you with the most eye pleasing photo of simple soup broth that you will see today! 
Just look at that colour! That composition! The steam wafting enticingly off the bowl!
Isn't your tummy all grumbly looking at it? Mine is! 
Sadly honestly compels me to admit the broth was rather revolting. Too much water, not enough everything else. It was fantastically hydrating - but not something I'd recommend you put on your menu for the near future! Hard luck Jo, try better next time!! 

Jo poem for the week (Haiku style):

In meditation,

I am one with my whole self,

Yet my bum itches.

In other news:

I was asked today if the continuously mismatched socks I wear had meaning? I replied that if simply just loving different colours because they cheered you up was meaning, then I'd say it was the right meaning for living sewn deep into my soul! (sole?) 
Judging by the look on the asker's face, they just wanted a Yes/No reply...

We had a monster power outage for just over 40 hours earlier in the week. Other South Africans shrug and go, "Meh, sucks" because they are probably just getting over one, or into one, themselves! Much joy and interpretive dance was done around the fact that the shower is solar powered - warm water for all! 

Bren got his phone upgrade so I now have his older phone! It is just the next upgrade to the one I had before, (We don't go big, we go home), but it's heavier and feels like it wants to be important! All my books and goodies are now stashed on it and we return to our regular service without glitches!

Time to concentrate solely on work, it is starting to look a bit frantic without me!
Have an amazing week with lovely things to see and eat and smell!

From the couple who do love when you have all 3 combined,


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