Write right!

Good Morning!
Actually it's late night when I started this, but see how we experience the timeless power of the internet?!
How have you been? I think that if you haven't swallowed anything you too deeply regret then we're already off to a great start!

There is talk, gossip and tentative theories that we might have a bit of a cold(er) snap on Friday, one last grasping at our ankles by winter, clawing its way up from the grave! I will make sure that fluffy socks are at the ready!! 

My explorations into Calligraphy continue this week! But not just any kind of fancy doodling, oh no no, rather 'other languages I can't understand at the best of time and will probably royally offend with my writings' type of calligraphy!
This was my first attempt:

According to Google Translate it says exactly what it should:

Then I tried Arabic! I wrote this Right to Left and just the fact that it fit on the page was already more of a win than expected - I have new respect for people who can do this without fuss and bother! *claps warmly*

Once again the translator says I wrote it right:

I then attempted to write "SOCKS" in Hebrew:

That's when my luck ran out:

My attempt at Hindi afterwards crashed and burnt so badly that I decided that you know what, reading is good too, let's do some reading instead, yes good idea! 😅

I was a little cheered later when I got this SMS - proof that even business folk can proudly send out a random advert with such a devil-may-care attitude:
This woman's month....and how'd you get my number?!

I also tried a bit of Origami!
This is meant to be a bat...kinda... 
Now I know how Victor Frankenstein felt...

Maybe I should stick to letter writing?

In other news:

My new youtube channel is up, follow if you like! It's just random silliness, no depth or messages or anything, just enjoying small things enthusiastically:
(copy and paste the above into a new window, either they don't let you do links here, or they do and I just don't know the secret handshake yet...)

A video about Zen monks had the narrator say at one point, "They get up at 4am, in the dead of night"
As we get up at 4.30am we felt this might have been a bit of an exaggeration...

Bren has found Fortnite online! He waxes lyrically between triumphant joys and desperate sorrows depending on how each match goes! I feel I should be standing behind him, yelling encouragement and laden down with warm towels, a lemon to suck, and a spit bucket for blood...

He will also be joining me for a boxing class next weekend. No, you don't hit each other!! It's strictly boxing bags being punched only - which has probably saved a lot of marriages now that I think of it...

When I see you next it will be SEPTEMBER!! We'll officially be in the 'ends with -er' months! Bets on when Christmas decorations will start showing up are officially open!

Till then, let's go merrily forth and chomp up the last chewy bit of August!
Have a lovely week and, if it's also Spring your side, remember to BREATHE DEEPLY whenever going past a garden or rose bed - you can thank me later!

From the couple with their eyes forward but noses in the air (making them look a bit squint),


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