Hello Jo! Hello Bren! Hello YOU!

Hallo Hallo!
Finally a letter has arrived! Was I busy these last few weeks? Yes indeedy! Was I often ill? Yes! (I'm not so keen on that answer, yet it is what it is), but I will admit that neither of those kept me from restarting the letter so much as just needing some Time Out to romp and frolic, think and ponder, and be a very Jovvi Jo and, er... Brenny Bren? 

The weekly letter has been started from scratch and so I thought to myself, why is my bum so itchy today? After thinking that I also thought, since we have a few new readers in the mix, maybe we should let them get to know who's who in our zoo of 2?

So let me re-introduce ourselves to everyone! (It's actually pretty exciting, isn't it?)


Specimen A - Jo (This would be me, I know, I checked!)

Specimen B - Bren (He comes as a standard with the Jo, very fetching!)

There we go, (re)acquainted once more!  ^_^

I'll leave out extra photos and pics and 'oh la la's' for this week's letter but next week? And the week after? Oooooooh!!! I can't promise you won't be madly BLOWN away each and every time! So to lessen the impact please make sure to read each weekly letter sitting down, with a warm cuppa something to slurp on and something soft and squishy to squeeze delightedly! That aught to do it!

In other news:

I have started writing poems. More serious sorts than the ones I'm known for, but very very short!
(Seriously haiku is long compared to mine!) I was going to attach a few here but suddenly feel shy! Next letter maybe?

Our weather this week will reach high's of 26C! This is not even Spring weather but straight on into Summer. *Tosses a twig of plum blossoms onto winter's grave - Oh, it was too young to go!*  

Bren might try rock climbing this Friday! I will then attempt rock climbing spectatorship! If he plummets spectacularly you will be the first to know about it! 

I have started studying French. Again!
It has been my nemesis since I was in high school where I failed it spectacularly and wept all the way home - while riding my stegosaurus because it was that long ago...
Now I want to be friends with it and maybe, finally, be able to write more than:
"Pour couper le fromage!"  <-- a sentence that was still surprisingly useful throughout my adult years...

Oh oh lastly, I was asked why we call ourselves JoBren and not BrenJo?
But doesn't JoBren sound so much cuter and lively? BrenJo sounds like something you hear a person strumming in a bayou somewhere you seriously shouldn't have wandered into...

And that is all for now!
Have a marvelously fantastic week and I hope you get to see at least one thing that makes you go, "Oh Wow, lookit!" 

From the couple who seem to live these movements - and aren't they grand?


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