A rose by any other name - would probably have tax issues...

How are you today? 
Oh that sounds marvelous, do enjoy it with or without the cream! 

Our mornings are scented with flowers! Syringa trees drown you in perfume and Jasmine's little white blossoms are all over everywhere and just wonderful to INHALE!!
Now if all of Summer were like this, why then even mosquitos could be forgiven!
Well, maybe...
I might have a ton and 1 things wrong with my body but somehow I managed not to acquire a pollen allergy and I am so deeply grateful for that! 

Even flowers that haven't a scent are beautiful though, aren't these fellows cheery?

Hang in there little dandelion! You grow as you can and show this jaded world how life affirming you can be!! 

Who's that Garden Bird?!

I eventually got a clear photo of him! The was some debate over what type of bird he is. (Oh I know his name, it's Arnold, you can just tell), but what breed he is...Eventually Google lens identified him as a Karoo thrush and some birdy experts agreed so the mystery was solved!
(Psst! He sounds lovely, look up his people online and give them a listen, you won't regret it!)

Okay that's just showing off Arnold...

Almost as arid as the Karoo is the sandy paths at our favourite park! We've not had rain in months and months and now it's no longer just our sense of humor that is noticeably dry! 
Footprints! A Jo must have passed this way recently! 

Blending in to her natural environment to avoid foot predators!

There is some sort of deeply satisfying joy in the god-like ability to take a finger-printy screen and wipe it clean to an obsidian black smoothness like this! 

And tell me I'm not the only 1 who sees these as googly eyes?
Sneaky batteries!!

Jos poem of the week:
I was a tiny wee bit sick
but I healed up super quick!
Bren was very glad cos hey,
Who would make his lunch each day?
Our place smells like fish. 

In Other news:

I have been missing a lot of days at the gym due to all the issues with my legs and body in general. I have decided to cut some days out and only go a few times a week, my poor daft me-ness can't seem to handle it anymore. *Gives self a hug!*

There was the ittiest-bittiest bit of rain yesterday, more just wet stones and hope, I'll show you the pic next week, but it is a start! Oh do you think we might get some good storms soon?!

Work has rolled out some seriously ambitious plans for us over the next coming months. I cannot see how they will get a third of it done but I'll do my bit and amble along and see what happens in the end. 
This is probably why I am not seen as management material. 

Actually I wrote a poem on that once:

They told me I have no ambition.
And I blushed,
As I always do,
At compliments.

Bren continues to truck on, he was playing Minecraft recently and calling all of the critters that were maiming his character some fascinating names, some I don't think I've heard of before! 

Off to go stare at some clouds before my next big meeting! (I'm hosting it too! I wouldn't you know, except that it seems I'd hurt a lot of people's feelings if I didn't, including those of the folk who pay me...)

Do have a  FUNTASTIC, mentally elastic, week!!!
Fron the couple who have a sense of smell and therefore most probably will,


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