The power of now-now

Hello! Good Day!
How are you and yours?
All well, cheerful, happy and not stuck in large puddles of jam? Excellent! 

 We still haven't had any rain, but hope still springs eternal!
*Looks at weather app*
*sweat drop*
Cor hope has its work cut out for it!  Time to get my rain dance on!

Doesn't Delete blood cancer sound a a bit like they send little nanobots into your inner workings that erase all the cancer files in your system? Wouldn't it be nice if they could do that? Mind one day that might just be the norm and teenagers will get all their micro-robots decked out with glitter and small tattoos...

This was a week of BEEG produce! Look at these Turnips! HUGE!!! 
Turnip the size! 
Turnip the size! ♫
Do you like turnips?
Which is more yellow, me or the veggies?

Not to be outdone, the MIGHTY ONION takes up the challenge! Keep a water bottle on hand because cutting this thing up is going to make you cry gallons! 
I suspect if you threw this at someone there'd be the same amount of tears...

These are my newest fluffy pants! I now have 2 pairs and feel rich as a queen, soft as a bunny!
The words on them can be read as 'OH' or 'HO' and you can interpret this entirely as you see fit! 

Worried you'll have to fix all your issues yourself? No no no! Light up this stuff, (that smells like laundry detergent and burnt skin), and POOF! Instant happiness! All sorted and extra shine on your shoes just cos! So if you need a pack or 2, I know a place! 
The only evil I really see here is that price, on my golly!!!

In Other News:

Wednesday was massively windy! There was a very ALIVE feeling to the air, and being squirreled away in a nest with some tea and book was the ideal way to experience it!

I am attempting to read Dean Koontz 'Odd Thomas' series again. I find it I completely suspend disbelieve and read just to enjoy, then it is a very nice little series! I recommend the humor.  I am currently on Brother Odd, it makes me love the words 'kit kat'!

May I recommend lemon water (literally lemon squished into a bottle of, ideally, icy cold water) after any kind of physical activity? It's light and refreshing and makes you feel like you've just added all sorts of goodness to your inner self! (I hear if you add a bit of salt that's really good for electrolytes, but I don't fancy it, and no electro-anything seems out of whack so add as desired!)

I have removed all the games off my laptop, they are interfering with my need to just be at peace with myself and try new things. You're like, "Ah today I am going to read and then try calligraphy and then...wait?! I need to harvest my veggies on this game! And save a village in that game! Well betterment be danged, Hi ho Laptop, away!!!"
6 hours later... oh bugger...
Now they are gone, let's see what happens!  

Well that is that and this is this and all has been said and done for now!
Have a lovely day, a glorious week and flexible, happy mood throughout it all! 

From the couple who generally know when to what and why and when they don't... meh,


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