
Showing posts from August, 2024

Write right!

Good Morning! Actually it's late night when I started this, but see how we experience the timeless power of the internet?! How have you been? I think that if you haven't swallowed anything you too deeply regret then we're already off to a great start! There is talk, gossip and tentative theories that we might have a bit of a cold(er) snap on Friday, one last grasping at our ankles by winter, clawing its way up from the grave! I will make sure that fluffy socks are at the ready!!  My explorations into Calligraphy continue this week! But not just any kind of fancy doodling, oh no no, rather 'other languages I can't understand at the best of time and will probably royally offend with my writings ' type of calligraphy! This was my first attempt: According to Google Translate it says exactly what it should: Then I tried Arabic! I wrote this Right to Left and just the fact that it fit on the page was already more of a win than expected - I have new respect for people

The power of now-now

Hello! Good Day! How are you and yours? All well, cheerful, happy and not stuck in large puddles of jam? Excellent!   We still haven't had any rain, but hope still springs eternal! *Looks at weather app* *sweat drop* Cor hope has its work cut out for it!  Time to get my rain dance on!   Doesn't Delete blood cancer sound a a bit like they send little nanobots into your inner workings that erase all the cancer files in your system? Wouldn't it be nice if they could do that? Mind one day that might just be the norm and teenagers will get all their micro-robots decked out with glitter and small tattoos... This was a week of BEEG produce! Look at these Turnips! HUGE!!!  Turnip the size!  Turnip the size! ♫ Do you like turnips? Which is more yellow, me or the veggies? Not to be outdone, the MIGHTY ONION takes up the challenge! Keep a water bottle on hand because cutting this thing up is going to make you cry gallons!  I suspect if you threw this at someone there'd be the same


Hi hi hi! How are you?  This would be, Blog letter 2!   Isn't it a fine thing to get another letter to read? Or is it finer that I get to write it? Symbiosis! ^_^ If Winter be dead, let the scents of mourning flowers linger on! <-- Jo attempts Shakespeare! Oh the jasmine of Spring though! And roses! And freesias and a thousand other little cheerful-faced flowers who's names I don't know as we haven't been officially introduced (Though they don't smell any less amazing for being anonymous!)  Now if we could just get a good, hard, drenching of rain, what sight that would be! I opened my cellphone camera while it was against the towel-covered treadmill screen and this was the result! Enchanting little lights in blue, white and purple and bubbling up and down the screen! This photo can only hint at how fascinating it was!  But here was my view at about 6.15am this morning!  The sun was only just getting out of bed and there's just one mermaid in the pool at the m

Hello Jo! Hello Bren! Hello YOU!

Hallo Hallo! Finally a letter has arrived! Was I busy these last few weeks? Yes indeedy! Was I often ill? Yes! (I'm not so keen on that answer, yet it is what it is), but I will admit that neither of those kept me from restarting the letter so much as just needing some Time Out to romp and frolic, think and ponder, and be a very Jovvi Jo and, er... Brenny Bren?  The weekly letter has been started from scratch and so I thought to myself, why is my bum so itchy today? After thinking that I also thought, since we have a few new readers in the mix, maybe we should let them get to know who's who in our zoo of 2? So let me re-introduce ourselves to everyone! (It's actually pretty exciting, isn't it?) JOBREN: Specimen A - Jo (This would be me, I know, I checked!) Specimen B - Bren (He comes as a standard with the Jo, very fetching!) There we go, (re)acquainted once more!  ^_^ I'll leave out extra photos and pics and 'oh la la's' for this week's letter bu