
Showing posts from September, 2024

A rose by any other name - would probably have tax issues...

Allo!!! How are you today?  Oh that sounds marvelous, do enjoy it with or without the cream!  Our mornings are scented with flowers! Syringa trees drown you in perfume and Jasmine's little white blossoms are all over everywhere and just wonderful to INHALE!! Now if all of Summer were like this, why then even mosquitos could be forgiven! Well, maybe... I might have a ton and 1 things wrong with my body but somehow I managed not to acquire a pollen allergy and I am so deeply grateful for that!  Even flowers that haven't a scent are beautiful though, aren't these fellows cheery? Hang in there little dandelion! You grow as you can and show this jaded world how life affirming you can be!!  Who's that Garden Bird?! I eventually got a clear photo of him! The was some debate over what type of bird he is. (Oh I know his name, it's Arnold, you can just tell), but what breed he is...Eventually Google lens identified him as a Karoo thrush and some birdy experts agreed so the my


Hello to you! How do you do? Hope today is going just your way! ♫  <-- you should hear me sing this, it's an experience!  The yesterday, today and tomorrow bushes are in flower and if you have ever smelt their wonderfulness you will understand why we have made it our religion to stop and sniffle the one in the garden whenever coming, or leaving, home (Coming home is always best, don't you find?) I've not run into a Jasmine bush, yet, but the week is young and I am crafty! Let's see what happens!  I was 1 sick tomato last week! A very bad Rheumatoid Arthritis flare-up absolutely slapped me down and I was MIA from the gym for 4 DAYS in a row which tells you how serious it was!  I slept, moaned, did work, moaned, ate too much - and then didn't moan cos nice food does soothe the savage beast some! Saturday I was oodles better and we went out and about with almost unholy glee to make up for the days of being cloistered at home!!  Oh but outside is so delightfully OUT